Hello World

Welcome to my website. My name is Karlo Mijaljević, I am a software engineer from Croatia. I created this site to share (as the home page says) the things I find interesting. That can range from simple Java know-hows to sites I find interesting etc.

This site was made using Java and basic HTML and CSS. The application server is Quarkus. This sites entire code base can be found on my Github. The code can be easily run using JRE (21 compliance) from the command line all you would need is a H2 database after you build the websites uber-jar.

While writing this (first ever) blog post I am working on a RSS feed feature so that you can add this site to you favorite RSS reader (mine is newsboat). The RSS feed once completed can be accessed from the /rss endpoint. It will contain the latest blogs just like the home page does.

All in all I hope you find this blog interesting and if you don't I will have a list of cool blogs you can check out for yourself in another post (at some point). For now you can check out these blogs I personally find interesting:

If you wish to run your own blog (and I highly recommend you do) and you don't know much about hosting, domains, programming I highly recommend you check LandChad. There you have a guide on how to run your own services including a personal website.

If you create your own blog (or already have one) send me a link via email so that I may check it out and in case it has an RSS feed add it to my urls.

TLDR. Lets take back the web together. More personal sites and as little as possible "social" cancer sites.

Created at: 08-Nov-2024